Gladis Bennett shows reporters the gun she used to kill her ‘Knockout Game’ attacker.
St. Louis, MO — 93-year-old Gladis Bennett was on her way to visit her grandchildren as she usual does every Saturday morning. The air was crisp and cool without a cloud in the sky. It was a special morning too. It was her granddaughter’s 14th birthday. Bennett who has a pension from the military was excited that she could afford the extra presents and treats for her granddaughter’s party that afternoon. She was waiting for the number ten bus that would take her into downtown. That is when everything changed.
“I was waiting at the bus stop and suddenly felt this sharp pain to the left side of my body. The blunt force was so strong that it knocked me down. When I looked up I could see a group of thugs laughing at me. Then one of them started kicking me. So before they had a chance to do more harm, I reached in my purse, pulled out my gun and shot the main aggressor. Luckily they all ran after that. I was terrified. I thought they were going to kill me.”
51-year-old Knoshon Mootron a homeless man from St. Louis who witnessed the attack told reporters that Bennett acted like a superhero. “I saw her get sucker punched from behind, hard. She hit the ground, then they all start kicking her, she grabs this huge gun out of her purse and BOOM! Headshot! Game over son, ya know what I’m sayin’? Poor n*gga never had a chance.”
“I was mugged about a year ago,” says Bennett. “It’s scary living alone. My grandsons are all grown up so I decided to get my NRA card and a concealed weapons permit. If I hadn’t done what I did who knows what those group of boys would have done to me.”
Bennett was taken to St. Luke’s Hospital with scrapes and bruises but was released later that day. As for her attacker 21-year-old Damon Williams, he was pronounced dead at the seen from a bullet inflicted wound to the head.”
St. Louis Police Detective Paul Horner told CNN the ‘Knockout Game’ is extremely dangerous and needs to stop before more people get killed. “How many more of our young African American youths will have to die before it clicks in their tiny little brains not to do this stupid sh*t anymore? It’s not cool, people are dying. These folks out there are getting themselves severely injured over some stupid game. This unnecessary violence needs to stop now. People are becoming more and more aware of this ‘Knockout Game’ so it is only a fact more and more people are carrying a gun to protect themselves,” Horner said, “You play the ‘Knockout Game’ and expect to be shot. It’s that simple.”
St. Louis Police Officers detained Bennett for questioning where she was soon released. As of this moment no charges are expected to be filed.
What Is The Knockout Game?
The ‘Knockout Game’ is a violent new trend which is growing in popularity among African Americans both young and old. The so-called “Knockout Game” involves assaulting people without warning and it is claiming lives.
The victims of the brutal game are chosen at random. Defenseless and unsuspecting people are attacked by groups of teens who have one goal in mind: to knock the victim out with one punch.
“One-hitter quitter,” “knock em’ and drop em,” “point em’ out and knock ’em out” are all names for this disturbing new trend that is now drawing nationwide attention.
Recent attacks have occurred in New York, New Haven, Conn., Washington, D.C. and suburban Philadelphia. But the violent attacks go back several years too. In 2011, St. Louis, Mo. had a rash of incidents, one of which led to the killing of a Vietnamese immigrant. Some of the assaults are recorded and posted on websites such as Youtube by the attackers.
If you are a witness to the ‘Knockout Game’ immediately contact your local authorities. You could just save a life and receive a possible reward. As always you can remain anonymous.
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