For the poster, Snoop Dogg commissioned local Arizona artist Benji Sakoai and famous graffiti artist Shepard Fairey. Known by his stage names Snoop Doggy Dogg, Snoop Dogg is hiring a full-time blunt roller for his entourage. Pay starts at $100,000. (AP Photo/Dennis System, File) / AP
Los Angeles, CA — American rapper, singer-songwriter and actor, Snoop Doggy Dogg held a press conference today to announce his need for a full-time blunt-roller to join his crew, with an amazing starting pay of $100,000/yr.
The contest is being dubbed, “Wrapper For A Rapper“, and judges are asking contestants to submit a Youtube video. In the video, please explain why you are the best candidate for the job and if you can handle partying 24/7 with Snoop and his entourage. And of course, most importantly, show off your blunt and joint rolling skills. Please keep in mind that since this is Youtube, use tobacco or something non-narcotic.
Are you a bad enough dude to hang with Snoop Dogg’s entourage full time, and get $100,000/yr to do it? How about a $100,000/yr with a 3-year contract? Your only job is to roll blunts for Snoop and his crew and to be able to “keep up” with their worldwide partying and massive blunt sessions.
Snoop Dogg told 36-year-old Paul Horner, editor for the High Times Magazine, that he is thrilled to bring on a new member of the team whose sole purpose is to roll joints and blunts.”My crew and myself are so excited about bringing on a full-time blunt-roller and I think $100,000/yr is very fair price. It will bring out the best quality of blunt rollers and since part of video submission showing your skills, we’ll be able to see your personality and if you can handle hanging out with the big dogs,” Snoop said.” The new employee must be able to travel at a moment’s notice and roll blunts.” Snoop continued,”But he or she has gotta be quick on their feet, a great sense of humor, intelligent – dummies need not apply, and most importantly roll a joint or blunt faster than Yosemite Sam. I want this to be a career for the individual whoever it is we end up choosing. Snoop finished the press conference by informing reporters that, “Only the best of the best need apply for this highly coveted position of Snoop Dogg’s official blunt roller. If one can not split and twist a blunt with one hand while hitting and passing a second; then this career opportunity may not be for you. If you or someone you know would be interested in applying for this job; please click here.
Youtube videos are the only acceptable form of entry and please use a subject line of, “Wrapper For A Rapper”. Other tags are encouraged, like “Snoop Dogg’s Wrap-Off” or “Snoop Dogg Contest”.
For the poster, Snoop Dogg commissioned local Arizona artist Benji Sakoai and famous graffiti artist Sheppard Feiery.
A winner will be announced April 20th, 2015. The $100,000 a year salary includes a three-year contract plus full medical and dental. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call (785) 273-0325.
VIDEO: Snoop Dogg Offers $100K/Year For Blunt Roller To Join Entourage
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If you or someone you know would be interested in applying for this job; please click here.
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