I Don’t Know About You, But Times Are Changing, And I Don’t Like It One Bit, Not One Darn Bit I Tell Ya!

So the queers now have the same rights as us straight people when it comes to marriage?

What’s next, women will be allowed to vote? The Negros will have the same rights as us good, decent, hardworking white folks? I don’t know about you, but times are changing, and this reporter doesn’t like it one bit, not one darn bit I tell ya! I don’t even care if it says anything in the Bible about gay people not being allowed to get married, it’s just icky. It’s immoral and wrong!

We are a Christian nation and can make up the rules as we go along! It’s our religious freedom and we demand it! The Government needs to stop making laws based on fact and votes and other such hogwash and needs to start making their laws based on a 2,000 year old book that everyone should be forced to believe in. That is the root of the problem right there; everyone is not forced to believe what we believe. This country is going straight to Hell in a handbasket!

This is truly a sad day for all the real Americans out there and I’m mad as heck!


  1. I didnt know you could been that stupid and still form words.

  2. Twomonths Late says:

    I, myself, am enraged that anyone would have the audacity to treat everyone as equals! You were all put upon this planet to serve me and grant me riches. Soon, you too will be able to experience the wonder of fulfilling my wishes.

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