Al Sharpton Outraged About New Online “Slavery” Website

Jerome Smith, Chairman & CEO of Black Friend Connect, Inc.

Jerome Smith, Chairman & CEO of Black Friend Connect, Inc.

Washington, DC — It seems you can find just about every type of website and service out there these days; this is probably one you have never heard of or seen before. It is called ‘Black Friend Connect’. Their business model revolves around the idea of a white person “renting” a black friend and while the company is gaining in popularity, it has a lot of people outraged, including the Reverend Al Sharpton.

“This company is ridiculous! They are just some racist group trying to make a quick buck. It’s vile, full of hate and disgusting,” Sharpton told reporters. “Black Friend Connect is the new form of slavery. Why don’t they just have the negro come out to their plantation and pick cotton?”

Jerome Smith, Chairman and CEO of Black Friend Connect, Inc. defends his company and told reporters it is great way for white people to find a new black friend. “Every white person needs a black friend. Whether it is fist bumping you in front of your white co-workers or being the black friend you introduce to all your white friends at a party, Black Friend Connect will fulfill all of your black friend needs,” Smith said. “Bottom line is, Black Friend Connect will help prove to your white friends that you are not a racist along with providing you a new and interesting friend.”

52-year-old Mavis Downton told CNN that she does not agree with Black Friend Connect. “I have black friends, and I certainly would not ‘rent’ a friend of any description. If you have to pay for it, they are not your friend.”

Smith told reporters that they are helping both white people and black people with his company. “We provide well-paying jobs for African Americans and friends for white people who would normally not have a black friend. It’s a win-win situation.”

“What Black Friend Connect has just done is revoke the dreams and ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King. They are setting this country back 200 years,” Sharpton said. “It just makes me sick and action must be taken to shut down Black Friend Connect as soon as possible!”

To find your very own black friend you can contact Black Friend Connect online at, or by phone at 480.286.9861.


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